Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Varolo In Your Daily Life........"The LiL Red Engine"

There are so many different topics I would like to discuss with all of you that I have had a tough time deciding which one should be next. Well, like a kid in a candy store trying to make up one's mind I decided to go with how to fit Varolo growth into your daily routine and life. When starting out we are super excited and it seems that our efforts (when we are excited with something fresh and new) do not seem like a chore but moreover it is FUN! After a few days, a week, or a couple of weeks do you begin to lose interest? I believe we all do at some point and this happens because of many different reasons. I will go out on a limb and say the main reason we lose interest is due to the fact that with all of the time we are spending on Varolo trying to get new sign ups, watching commercials we are NOT seeing a return on our investment (our time) or ROI. For instance I made $1.02 the first week and a half (I started in a mid week on a Wed.) This in turn can begin to weigh in the back of our minds. Asking ourselves questions such as "Is this really worth it"? "What else can I be doing with my time"? And of course there are many more like this that start to float through our thoughts. So what happens when these type of thoughts start to consume us? We begin to believe these thoughts. Moreover we become negative and start to look for other opportunities. Or we just surf Facebook (or other sites) and waste our time. To me these thoughts & questions are a negative way of thinking. I think you get the point so let's move on. What can we do about this and make sure it does not happen? How do WE stay motivated? What can we do about this to make sure it does not happen?

I can only use my own experiences as examples and you will have to decide what will work for you. As I mentioned in my previous blog that I spent the better of almost my first 20 years in the business world in the automotive industry. I started selling cars at the age of 19. (Right out of high school basically) I found I had a talent for it but at that age I had no clue as to what it was that set me above the rest. "Why was I doing well"? What was it that drove me"? "Why did I enjoy it so much"? Well it took me years to answer those questions and learn who I was, what I stood for as a person, and what it was that drove me to do better. In the car business we can easily find ourselves with negative thoughts. We can go on a spell of not being able to sell a car, or close a deal. And it begins......The negative thoughts we discussed above. Quite frankly it happened to me, a lot when I was young in the business. There was zero continuity to my sales. It was like a roller coaster. Going way up in the air and then going down at 200 mph. It drove me nuts! No consistency whatsoever. I read book after book, I tried to learn different techniques, I did what I thouught was everything I could do to try and be consistent. Nothing worked! Until it hit me! Goal setting! Yes that's right it was goal setting! I know we all have heard about setting goals (Long and short term) and if you are like I was years ago it went in one ear and out the other. What I did was I made an income goal for a 12 month period (a year). Then I broke it down by dividing it by the 12 months for an average per. I took it another step and divided the amount of cars I needed to sell by the average monthly income to reach the annual goal. I took it even further and broke everything down to the rediculous but I think your seeing the point. In a nutshell I had a formula to keep my sanity and stay more consistent. I new exactly to the penny how much commission I had to make on a per car basis in order to make my annual income goal. When I had a down month I did not let the negative thoughts consume me. I kept my eyes on the annual goal. As time went by I found myself excited to work every day. It was like a game to me and being competitive I wanted to WIN! I take the same approach with Varolo and it is working for me and can for you as well.

I signed up with Varolo exactly 2 weeks ago today. I currently have 269 in my village. How has this growth happened? Goal setting!!!! Keeping negative thoughts out and looking at Varolo as a long term venture for myself. By not looking for instant gratification (I could write an entire blog on that one) and asking myself questions. Most importantly "What do I want to get from Varolo"? Yes we all want the pot at the end of the rainbow today but also we know that that is not reality. When someone or a group decide to start a new business (A restaurant, retail store, etc) they have to have a business plan. This plan is a snap shot of the goals of the business and what the potential is and how long it will take to get there. Varolo is the same for you. Maybe of course not on that scale to begin with but overall it is just like that. Early on with Varolo it is not a reality to set income producing short or long term goals. Reasons being we do not have the variables needed to break down the income. ie how much advertisers are bidding for spots, how many advertisers are bidding, how often they want their commercial to run, and so on. But, we can and do have control over growth in other ways. Hence our village growth. Let's take mine as an example:  We can get an average of daily signups by simply dividing the total in my village by the number of days I have been with Varolo. Simple math says that average is 19.2 new signups daily. 269/14 = 19.2 per day. Okay this raises questions and the first is "can I average this as a realistic number over the period of a year"? Actually this is a difficult one to answer for the simple fact we don't have enough information from variables such as and mainly not knowing if we will get lucky and signup someone that takes off and gets excited, grows their village. (We all hope we find one of these jewels) So, at this point just keep it simple. Write down how many you would like to see in your village one year from now based soley on your time and efforts. Just your efforts and yours alone. Divide that nuumber by 12 (Months) or better yet by 365 to get your daily average you need to hit your goal by the end of that one year. Keep it simple and obtainable. For the fact that you will more than likely exceed your goal in one year because you are not including what the people you sign up will do for you. Now ask yourself how much time per day you need to devote to obtaining your daily goal. Write it down. Post it notes work great btw. Now you are keeping your sanity and staying focused and motiviated. Make it a daily habit, sit down, spend that amount of time you think you need to in order to get your daily signups. I think 3 a day is a realistic number. This will not occupy your entire day and probably take you an hour of fucused attention on the computer or phone. You wake the next day and see you got 5 signups. You do the same thing and spend one hour and wake the next day and you have 2 more. 7 in two days is 3.5 per. Your ahead of your goal and what the main key is the fact that however you are going about getting these signups, IT IS WORKING.....YAY!!!!!  

In a summary:

Make your goals and make them realistic.
Write them down and keep them in front of you.
Keep the sanity and keep out negative thoughts.
Stay focused and make it a habit.
Adjust accordingly.
And most of all....Make it a fun game for yourself.

In my next post I am pondering the thought of  writing about the "How to obtain our goals" What avenues will work for getting our daily goal of signups. What seems to be working and what doesn't. How much time per day should you be spending on reaching these goals etc.

Of course this is subject to change because as I speak with many of you on a daily basis I may run into a subject that may be of more importance. One never knows!

Keep in mind what works for you may not work for me but doing something is better than doing nothing at all. I would rather have $1 in my pocket then $0

Don't forget that Varolo will be announcing big news in a few weeks and I am stoked with the changes coming.

Once again I ask that you show some love and PLEASE leave comments. They are so important to help me to help you.

Also I ask again that before you leave this page you take a look at my sponsors on the right and bottom of this page. Click a couple and give them the time of day. They are people just like you and me trying to do something with life and be better at it.

Lastly please click the "Follow This Blog" on the right and become an avid follower and reader.

Thank you all kindly for your time and from my heart to yours I hope my writings and advice help you in one way or another. I truly care about you and your success.

If anyone would like to contact me there are a number of ways.

My door is open to all and I would like any of you that have a topic you would like me to discuss and write about I ask you to please speak up and let me know and I would be happy to talk to you about it.

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Email me personally at

Stay true to yourself and your goals!

Keep On Keepin On!

The LiL Red Engine (I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I CAN, I KNOW I CAN)

Richard T.
Off The Hook67