Friday, March 18, 2011

The 80/20 Rule!

Have you ever been in the work place or somewhere that there was a ton of work to be done but you felt as though people around you were not pulling their load or share of the work? Happens to many of us that do NOT mind a bit of hard work and labor. Why is that? When asked to help a friend move (which nobody likes to move) there is always someone that says "sure I will help" but then when they are there they are no where to be found? Hmmmmm.....They can take credit for helping out and they do....Post on face book "helped so n so move yesterday" Well I have come across this many times like many of you have as well. It pays no mind to complain about this or these types. It gets us no where in life and just not worth the effort of worrying about others and they way they slack off.  Hence......The 80/20 rule!

The rule is simple.....20 percent of us will do 80 percent of the is the kicker we make 80 percent of the money. I can write about many examples of this rule.....It is in every industry, every professional sport and on and on. There will always be 20 percent doing 80 percent. For me and (I hope you as well) life is not always about the money but more a sense of accomplishment. Knowing where "as a person"  we stand in life, as individuals. For many of us it does not matter what others think but more about how we think and live our daily life. Where will that bring us someday?

I noted in an earlier post that in regards to Varolo roughly of all the people who come on board in your down line about 20 percent give or take will be active and hopefully excited to succeed.

Stay focused and be one of those 20 percent or better yet in the top 5 percent. Stay active and email those you can and offer help to all who ask. Be approachable to everyone (we are a family) and never forget that. As each day passes (some good some not so good) keep the faith in yourself! Remember you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink but getting him across the rough terrain.....there in lyes the challenge.

We can jump in a lake and start to swim, get half way across, decide it is too far, turn and swim back.

Keep On Keepin On!
